Groups Can Make a Difference. Voting Power Measures Generalized, Theory and Decision 69 (2010), 469-488, an earlier version is available in the Discussion Paper Series of the CPNSS at
the LSE
Welfarist Evaluations of Decision Rules under Interstate Utility
Dependencies, Social Choice and Welfare 34 (2010), 315-344 (with S. Hartmann)
Kant's Characterization of Natural Ends'', Kant Yearbook 1 (2009), 1-30, preprint at PhilSciArchive
Can we Justifiably Assume the Cosmological Principle in order to Break Model Underdetermination in Cosmology?, Journal for General
Philosophy of Science 40 (2009), 175-205
A power measure analysis of Amendment 36 in Colorado,
Public Choice 124 (2008), 231-246 (with L. Bovens)
Update 12/2010